Industrial Gas Heating & Engineering services in Caerphilly, Wales

Gas-fired Radiant Tube Heating
Why heat a whole building when you only need to warm a small area?
Installing radiant heaters into large open spaces, such as warehouses and workshops is the best way to get fast, efficient heat in the areas you need it, without wasting energy and money heating the whole building.
The most common radiant heaters are gas-fired U- tube or straight-line fan driven heaters. Radiant heating is virtually instant, so works well with time controls or movement sensors. The temperature can be controlled with ‘black bulb’ thermostats that measure the heat received directly by the person in line with the heat radiated, rather than the surrounding air temperature, which improves efficiency further.
BG Heat specialise in gas-fired radiant tube heating system design and installation, so why not call us today or contact us via our web enquiry form, for your free, no obligation quotation.
Warm Air Heating
Warm air heating is a great way to heat commercial and industrial premises where the whole space needs to be heated. They work by drawing in cold air and passing it through a heat exchanger. The warm air is then distributed by a fan until the desired ambient temperature is achieved.
Warm air heaters are most commonly used in commercial and industrial properties, such as small warehouses and workshops. Using the sophisticated control system installed with the heaters, our customers can easily manage the temperature without overheating or getting too cold. Warm air heating systems can either be suspended or floor mounted units, giving versatility in their application for industrial and commercial premises.
BG Heat specialise in gas-fired warm air heating system design and installation, so why not call us today or contact us via our web enquiry form, for your free, no obligation quotation.

Cabinet Heaters
Cabinet heaters are an efficient means of heating a very large space, such as warehouses, supermarkets or sports halls. They offer a great deal of flexibility in application - they can be sited in the heated space, in a plant room, or even externally, and are also available in horizontal or vertical units to suit the needs of the customer.
Free blowing cabinet heaters, sited in the heated space, have adjustable air distribution nozzles with louvres, giving the ability to accurately direct the warm air to where it is needed. External and plant room sited heaters are connected to ductwork to allow flow of warm air from the heater to the heated space. External units are weatherproofed to protect from the elements. Each heater is also individually flued to ensure safe removal of combustion gases.
BG Heat specialise in gas-fired cabinet heating system design and installation, so why not call us today or contact us via our web enquiry form, for your free, no obligation quotation.
We can also quote for the design, manufacture and installation of internal and external ductwork, supplied by a local manufacturer.
Industrial Case Studies
Free Blowing Warm Air Heating
This project was to provide a heating solution to 3 warehouses in South Wales. Originally planned to start in April 2020, there was a delay in starting due to the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting lockdown.
Working through lockdown, it was a challenge to ensure we had all the correct PPE, maintained social distancing, and make sure our engineers and client were safe by implementing our COVID-19 checklist and safe working procedure.
It was a testament to our team that the engineers all managed to work closely together, at a distance.
The solution we provided was for 525kW per warehouse, installing 3 no. Reznor FSE225 units and 3 no. FSE300 units, one of each model per warehouse. Each heater had a new single wall stainless steel flue system terminating above the eaves, and new LPG infrastructure pipework from the LPG tanks (supplied and installed by others).
With the tight lockdown restrictions in place, this installation took longer than expected, but the work was completed to the satisfaction of the client and in time for the warehouses to be occupied.
May 2020
High School Sports Hall
Ducted Warm Air Heating
This project started with a major challenge - the heater selected by the client would not fit in the specified location without major building works to maintain a sufficiently wide walkway for the students at the school. Working closely with the client and our suppliers, we were able to specify a different heater - a Powrmatic CPx150kW external ducted cabinet heater - which met the needs of the client and was able to be located on the same site as the existing unit.
Strip out, installation of new ductwork and siting of the new heater was carried out by Metal Fabrications Co. (Cardiff) Ltd.
Building work was carried out by RJ Allman Ltd.
All teams performed exceptionally, and we were able to complete the works on time, on budget, and with zero health and safety incidents.
August 2020
Paint Shop
Suspended Warm Air Heating
This project was to provide a heating solution 4 areas across 3 bays, in place of a failed 300kW ducted cabinet heater.
The solution we implemented was a mixture of suspended and freestanding heaters, including 2 no. Powrmatic LX90F, 1 no. LX140C, and 1 no. CPx120 units.
The greatest challenge was suspending the LX140C, complete with plenum box and duct for heating air, due to the environment containing a lot of paint dust. This heater weighed in at just short of half a ton and when fully assembled with the air intake duct, was the size of an estate car.
Gas infrastructure was completed by the excellent team from Pipework Mechanics Ltd.
May 2020